A living room opera in Ireland
World Premiere Season - A private living room
Creative Development
Dublin & Limerick
Creative Development
(April & May)
Performed by acclaimed dancer and choreographer Katherine O’Malley with a sound-score performed by composer Tom Lane and musician Rory Grubb, and directed by Maeve Stone, Wake is a collaboration between some Ireland’s brightest talent and one of Australia’s most ground-breaking companies, Chamber Made Opera.
The heart of a home is revealed. Memories of the past haunt the corridors, old love and fresh wounds sing through walls, as a woman struggles to take control of her future.
Commissioned by the Limerick City of Culture, Wake is a response to the ancient ‘Curse on Limerick’ by St Munchin who grew so furious at the lack of help from locals in building his church that he prayed strangers would prosper in the town whilst locals would remain forever unfortunate and unsuccessful.
“So authentic, so stylish and accomplished, it beggars a fitting description… Bravo to all concerned. ‘Wake’ is an astonishing triumph.”
“The Australian Company, imported by Limerick City of Culture to collaborate with an array of talented Irish artists, manifests its mission statement of re-inventing our bellowing, big-lunged impressions of what “opera” can be.”
“The real achievement of wake is the experience that it delivers for audiences.”
“Wake is both stark and gentle, a rough-cut gem of a piece that thrums with depth.”
Wake was commissioned and funded by the Limerick City of Culture.
Maeve StoneComposer & Sound Designer
Tom LaneDramaturg
Tamara SaulwickVideo Designer
Christie StottCostume Designer
Saileóg O’HalloranTechnician
Pius McGrathTechnical Assistant
Mario BurkeAssistant Director
Fionnuala GygaxContributing Writer
Patrick McCarthyPerformer & Choreographer
Katherine O'MalleyMusician & Sound Design
Rory GrubbSupporting Musicians
Tom Lane & Fionnuala GygaxCommissioning Programmer
Jo ManganAdministration/Local Auspice
Pan Pan TheatreProduction
Sarah Kriegler & Tim StitzPerformer & Choreographer
Katherine O'MalleyProducer
Chamber Made OperaHosted by
The Carr Family