An Incidental Video Opera
Interactive installation - a private living room in Preston
(29 July)
On the 9th of August, 2011, between 9.33pm and 10.06pm, Sandra Bridie took her video camera out and filmed 33 minutes of material inside her flat in Gambetta, a neighbourhood of Paris’ s 20th arrondisement.
At the same time of the same day, though not at the same instant (due to timezone differences), Peter Lambropoulos also filmed 33 minutes of video material inside his house in Preston, Melbourne.
The base material from Sandra in Paris and Peter in Melbourne was then collated, combined, filtered, fused, layered and separated out, accompanied by their incidental soundtracks, into a series of 3 minute 33 second video works.
These works were installed on various devices around Peter’s home environment in Preston for 33 visitors to explore, around nightfall on July 29th 2012.
Created by
Peter Lambropoulos and Sandra Bridie