Fresh Ghosts

Two women's lives intertwined by grief

Fresh Ghosts features two interweaving narratives, the contents of which are simultaneously realist and pertaining to parable about pre- revolutionary China.

The focus in both narrative streams is a woman’s grieving for the life- threatening fate of their respective son or spouse – one suffers at the hands of the law, the other at the hands of illness. The first scenario is about a young boy who is dying of tuberculosis. The mother is desperate for a remedy, and resorts to an ancient superstitious Chinese practice, whereby the sick drink the blood of a strong man. The other scenario is, of course, about the strong man and the wife he leaves behind. The man is condemned to death for his involvement in the assassination of prominent and despotic feudal government official. The same official delivers the heart to the desperate mother of the young boy. Unaware of each other’s plight, the two women come together during the burials of both son and husband.

“One of Chamber Made Opera’s finest productions… modern and evocative.”


“Chamber Made Opera has delivered another startling success”


“All the performances are powerfully delivered.” THE AUSTRALIAN “…an enthralling show…it held the audiences complete attention…”