A science fiction revelation
World Premiere, The Substation
(3-6 October)
Creative Development
Creative Development
(July and September)
Creative Development
Melbourne (November)
A science fiction revelation.
A Chamber Made work by Robin Fox and collaborators.
Presented as part of Melbourne International Arts Festival in association with The Substation.
Inspired by the concepts found in the first chapter of Australian author Greg Egan’s legendary science fiction masterpiece of the same name, Diaspora presents a uniquely utopian reading of what life might be like if we surrender to the fact that software can be, and in fact is already, superhumanly organic.
As we theorise and catastrophise about the perils of technology, we often overlook the possibility that it could not only save our species but that it could also be a beautiful step in evolution towards an ethereal, non-body, consciousness.
Using projection, illusions and lasers, a truly futuristic visual design houses an ensemble of extraordinary musicians who are charged with sonifying the complex and multi-layered build of a digital life-form.
★★★★★ ‘ … an exhilarating visually and sonically immersive sci-fi experience – a fathomlessly strange encounter with the future as essentially “other”, but also intimately of the moment. More people should get a chance to see it.’
‘Diaspora is quixotic, atmospheric, visually and sonically spectacular … a profoundly moving out-of-body experience.’
★★★★ ‘The sci-fi themes are apparent throughout, but it’s the visceral experience of this work that will stick in its audience’s minds.’
★★★1/2 ‘… a mind-bending exploration of post-humanism that alternately dazzles and confounds.’
‘It is simultaneously exciting and unsettling, inspiring and mysterious, triumphant and melancholy, just like the concept of the future itself.’
‘… a visceral experience that transcends and overwhelms the senses.’
Art Music Awards
- Nominated Work of the Year Electroacoustic / Sound Art
Green Room Awards (Contemporary and Experimental Panel)
- Winner Best Production
- Winner Visual Design
- Nominated Sound Performance and Design
- Nominated Ensemble
Download Diaspora Season Program 2019
Read Gail Priest interviewing Tamara Saulwick and Robin Fox here in Sound Stage Screen journal.
View Salon: Future Human.
The creative team is led by composer and audio-visual artist Robin Fox working in close collaboration with Chamber Made Artistic Director, dramaturg and co-director Tamara Saulwick, co-composer and violinist Erkki Veltheim, musician/performers Madeleine Flynn (ondes musicales/ Moog synth) and Georgina Darvidis (vocals/theremin), video artist and system designer Nick Roux, with lighting design by Amelia Lever-Davidson and costume design by Shio Otani.
The project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body. This project has also been assisted by the Besen Family Foundation, Lucy Guerin Inc, The SUBSTATION and the Melbourne International Festival of the Arts.
Concept, creation, composition, electronics & lasers
Robin FoxCo-composer & violin
Erkki VeltheimDramaturg & co-direction
Tamara SaulwickOndes musicales & Moog synth
Madeleine FlynnVocals & theremin
Georgina DarvidisVideo art & system design
Nick RouxLighting design
Amelia Lever-DavidsonCostume design
Shio OtaniProduction Manager
Leo Gester