Experimental Opera. Expanded Cinema.
Another Other
Premiere Season
(18-21 February)
Preview Season
Creative Development
SIAL Studios, RMIT Design Hub
Creative Development
Italy and Germany
Another Other is a 79 minute multimedia performance created by four of Australia’s leading experimental artists: Erkki Veltheim, Sabina Maselli, Natasha Anderson and Anthony Pateras.
Investigating the nature of identity, authenticity of self and the roles we play, the work creates an immersive and multi-sensory experience for audiences that mirrors these concerns. Through moments of darkness, silence and sensory overload the audience is invited to move between speculative self-reflection and losing themselves in the ecstatic saturation of contemporary media society.
Fusing experimental opera, expanded cinema, sound art and installation, Another Other is based on a radical re-reading of Ingmar Bergman’s film Persona (which celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2016).
Another Other shakes the illusion of the self. It is an unsettling, darkly comical and visceral live performance work.
“★★★★ [An] exceptional creative achievement by Chamber Made Opera, a take-no-prisoners ghost-train ride into horrors within… a first-rate undertaking and a highly successful model for future collaboration”
“★★★★ An absorbing, thoughtful, and crisply performed fantasia on the film’s aural and visual textures… the sensuousness of the experience is what is most valuable.”
“What Another Other achieves from a technical perspective is incredibly impressive. All of its constituent components are coordinated seamlessly, and there is a level of sophistication at work in the realisation of the projections and sound design which is particularly virtuosic.”
“Another Other is a riveting and fragmented series of micro movements, collectively composed to merge filmic and musical elements just as characters’ identities merge in Bergman’s film. This hyper-expanded cinematic experience shows our mental life to be a complicated mesh of meaning, open to interpretation…. Like the ego, Another Other is impossible to unpack methodically; there’s no narrative thread. This courageous and bold artwork feasts on the art of Persona before the clocks stop and finally there is silence inside the self.”
Created and performed by
Erkki Veltheim, Sabina Maselli, Natasha Anderson and Anthony PaterasDramaturgical assistance by
Jude AndersonProduction management/audio
Byron Scullin