Deep Dive Mentorship

Image Heidi Wentworth-Ping

Chamber Made is excited to announce a new mentorship program – Deep Dive Mentorship.

Applications for 2025 are now closed. We are thrilled to announce Noemie Huttner-Koros as our inaugural Deep Dive Mentorship recipient.

You can find further information here .

The mentorship provides an opportunity for one emerging artist to be in a mentor relationship with an established artist and with Chamber Made over a period of three months. Each year will feature a different artist mentor. Our 2025 mentor will be theatre-maker Roslyn Oades. You can view more about Roslyn Oades here.

The program has emerged from our observation while working with emerging artists of their need for different layers of artistic and professional development support, and to experience this intensive, deep-dive without the pressure of a public outcome.

This is a paid opportunity. The mentee will receive $1000 for 20 hours paid contact time in addition to some observational opportunities, as follows:

  • 10 hours with mentor
  • 10 hours skills development with Chamber Made staff (eg assistance with grant writing,   budgets, scheduling, planning etc – according to what is most useful for the individual
  • In rehearsal room observations as available during Chamber Made and/or mentor projects



I am currently studying, am I eligible to apply?

No. This mentorship is not suitable for students. We are seeking artists in their first eight years of professional practice. You may be a recent graduate and you do not have to have any qualification to apply.

I come from a singular practice background such as music or theatre. Am I eligible to apply?

This mentorship is for artists who are interested in cross-artform practice. You will need to demonstrate how your practice intersects with more than one artform, even if you are in the very early stages of exploring that practice.

Are there any other restrictions as to who can apply?

Current staff and board members of Chamber Made are not eligible to apply. Applicants are required to be Australian residents and available to come to regular meetings in Melbourne. There is no funding available to cover travel costs.

How many hours will the program require each week?

This will be negotiated at the start of the program according to mentee and mentor availability, and whether observational opportunities are available.

My practice is quite different from Roslyn’s. Should I still apply?

Yes. As long as you can clearly articulate why the mentorship would be of value to you.