Cobie Orger
Cobie is an interdisciplinary artist working across forms including dance, video, sound and installation. Her interest lies primarily in the integration of forms and creating methodologies that utilise and mash up the creative languages at hand. Her work has been presented locally and abroad and has often stemmed from residencies at places such as Bundanon, Bogong Centre for Sound Culture, Dancehouse, Critical Path, Les Baines Connective and Cultuurcentrum Berchem.
Her practice often involves collaborations with artists from the visual arts, music, theatre, and dance, and generates work that can exist as intimate viewing encounters, through to large scale, participatory community events.
Cobie also documents a large number of live performances/events throughout Melbourne’s (usually) creative landscape and has shared this knowledge along with video editing techniques with tertiary students at the VCA and members of St. Martins Youth Theatre.