Carla Zimbler is our 2024 Little Operations Artist. Carla will work on a project called ‘keep the light on for me‘ (working title) during her Little Operations residency.
‘My main topic of research is deathcare and end-of-life practices, clairvoyance/mediumship and crossing between physical/spiritual worlds. I’m particularly interested in commemorative objects and unconventional burial rituals, funerary architecture and contemporary spaces for memorialisation. As the 2024 Little Operations resident, I will develop a new performative project titled, ‘keep the light on for me’. This work involves sourcing bedside lamps from deceased estates and transforming them into responsive instruments. Motion, touch and sound-reactive tools will cause the lamps to flicker, pulse and emit noise, inviting the spirits back to earth for a fleeting moment to mediate communication and form a connective conduit.’ Carla Zimbler
We look forward to sharing Carla’s work via a public showing later in 2024.