with Megan Cope, AM Kanngieser, Rosalind Hall, and Aarti Jadu
Session Two: Amplification & Entanglement
The Amplification & Entanglement Session is led by Guest Curator Amos Gebhardt with artists presentations by Megan Cope, AM Kanngieser, Rosalind Hall, and Aarti Jadu.
“We really wanted to think of sound as a transversal medium in the way that it connects us in a myriad of different ways. The three artists each have a really unique way of approaching sound and leading us to experience ideas from interdependence, extinction, physical and metaphysical presences, as well as ideas of vibrational stories, storytelling and poetics. Each of the artists are very precise in the sounds that they choose to amplify in their work, inviting perceptual awareness to the entanglement of our world. In hearing their work, I’m often reminded that vibration is shared by all matter. And in this way, tells an endless story of intersubjectivity.” – Amos Gebhardt, Guest Curator