Hi-Viz Satellites 2022

Hi-Viz Practice Exchange

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In 2022 Chamber Made’s Hi-Viz Practice Exchange expands into Hi-Viz Satellites.

Partnering with Punctum Inc (Central Victoria) and SAtheCollective (Singapore), Hi-Viz Satellites 2022 is a 2-day hybrid program with in-person events in Bendigo and Singapore and an online component, all taking placing on Friday 18 November and Saturday 19 November.

Hi-Viz Satellites is a probe into new spaces, practices and modes of making. This evolution of our annual gathering is a three-year arc connecting artists across cultures, geographies and artforms. Hi-Viz Satellites cultivates conditions of exchange, collaboration and relationships that grow and extend practice, placing a particular focus on the intersections of performance, sound and music.

Hi-Viz Satellites evolves from one location to three; from a singular annual event to a three-year trajectory where the practice exchange program expands to include other modes of activity including collaboration and making. Hi-Viz Satellites will include in-person gatherings, online labs, and intensives and collaborations in Australia and Singapore between 2022 and 2024. If this sounds of interest, we encourage you to register for our inaugural Hi-Viz Satellites event in 2022, and be connected with the new three-year arc from the beginning.

This program remains an opportunity for women, non-binary and gender-diverse artists working across the fields of performance, sound and music to come together, meet, exchange ideas, and form new networks.

We launch in 2022 with Modes of Making

How do modes of making cultivate the emergence of new practice terrains?

Two days of practice exchange and workshops led by artists who use modes of making to extend practice, make new work and create new ways of making.

About Hi-Viz Satellites 2022

In 2022 we will meet for a day of presentations, conversations and practice sharing and a day of workshopping, with an Australian cohort at The Engine Room Bendigo and a Singaporean cohort.

Vegetarian lunch, tea and coffee provided on both days.

Friday 18 November GATHERING DAY

12pm – 6.15pm Australia AEDT
10am – 4pm Singapore SGT

The two locations will be connected digitally, with live streamed sections between Australia and Singapore.

This day also includes capacity for online attendance from 1.20pm AEDT.

Saturday 19 November WORKSHOP DAY

10am – 4pm Australia AEDT
10am – 4pm Singapore SGT

In-person workshops in Bendigo and Singapore with moments of connection between the two locations. No online attendance.

Australian workshops by: Zoë Barry, Amaara Raheem and Tina Stefanou

Singapore workshops by: Belinda Foo, Jean Reiki and Likie Low.

NOTE: Participants will need to attend Friday 18 November OR be past Hi-Viz attendees in order to attend workshop day Saturday 19 November. We encourage people to come for both days and stay overnight in Bendigo for a full Hi-Viz immersion. There are a number of accommodation options listed via the link below.

The Engine Room is an accessible venue. Friday 18 November will be Auslan interpreted online. Please get in touch via info ( at ) chambermade.org with any access requirements

Hi-Viz Satellites 2022-24 is supported by the Australia Council’s International Engagement Fund.