This privacy statement refers to the website.
If you have provided personal information to Chamber Made, such as your name and email address, this information is protected under the Privacy Act 1988 and is also used in compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR).
We will only use your personal information for the purposes that you have provided it for. Your name and email will be used to communicate with you.
We will not share or disclose your personal information to third parties unless disclosure is authorised or required by law and will make every endeavour to keep your personal information confidential.
Any amendments to your personal information, as requested by you, will be made in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
You may request access to any information we hold about you and request that we delete any information we hold about you at any time.
The ways we may use your personal information include: communicating with you, marketing to you about activities for Chamber Made. We may also use non-identifying statistical information collected via this website for analysis, evaluation and research purposes pertaining to our core activities. This information may include: server address, operating system, referral pages, top level domain name, pages accessed, search terms used, date, time and length of website visits.
We do not collect any information that personally identifies you if you browse this website.
We do not use cookies on this website.
If you have signed up for our eNews or receive information from us via other means, you can opt out of this at any time. Simply follow the Unsubscribe link in the eNews or email info ( at ) with your request to be removed from all mailing lists.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding privacy, please email info ( at )